Find jobs during lockdown – 6 skills will help you

Prepare for dream job during lockdown in  step by step method

How to get a job during lockdown? What are the ways to prepare to improve your chances of getting a good opportunity? Can we get some work from home opportunity during lockdown phase which can help our career? How to search the job? How to work online? Are there really work from options available? Can we get a job sitting at home? Can college students get part-time jobs for experience? A lot of questions like this I hear from college students and young professionals. The answer is ‘YES’ You can get a job, online work from home. In this blog will share the tips and tricks to take steps to build a career utilizing the lockdown period.

In end of the blog you will find –

List of books to enhance the practical business knowledge

List of websites for freelance jobs

It has been more than 100 days, India is under lockdown, metro cities showing no sign of relief, the cases are increasing rapidly. It is not unknown that it has disrupted the whole socio-economic order of the Country. There has been job losses across world and India is affected too. The situation is vulnerable with everything is locked down impacting millions of job directly or indirectly, yet luckily we are living in in the best times, with basic academics one can have access to immense job potential.

With high retrenchment in media sector, financial services, start-ups, layoff across sectors and verticals has caused much gloom. Also, there are stop-work order/ pause in vendor or gig assignments. The ongoing socio-economic situation is unprecedented and it will be difficult than ever for the new job aspirants. The corporates are taking a hiring pause or atleast slowed down the hiring spree. The hiring is only happening on prior commitment and need basis. The new job aspirants in the other hand often face dilemma to choose the right career options for them.

This lockdown is an opportunity to breathe, think, taking an account of situation and analyse the right career move. It is a difficult time to focus as well in absence of the deadline, exams and pressure, it is easy to get distracted.

With some amount of thought, research and discussion with various groups like colleagues, college students and other professionals, found that the usually human emotion of fear plays the biggest obstacle, everything thing else has a rational solution . Before trying enough, people are accepting failure or taking a pause in trying. This is the time to turn issues into opportunity. This is the time to choose an online course over a netflix sitcom, educational video over binging on entertainment content. This is the time hone the skills which is closest to you. This is the time to turn your hobbies and interest into a career option. Only lucky people get to earn by doing what they love to do. This is your chance. Sieze it.

‘Have the irresistible, killer attitude’ – Life is too small to be afraid, too long for regrets

Find jobs during lockdown – 6 skills will help you, not only now, in the long term too

  • Broaden knowledge base – Absorbing information which can be applied in practical life. Reading Books, newspapers, various research reports, Wikipedia pages will broaden your horizon, increase curiosity, and generate interest of application. For example, I learnt about world history by reading Sapience and Wealth of nation, more than my cumulative boring school study in history.
  • Think like an entrepreneur – Get interested in getting rich and influential. The mindset will define your career path. The more focus one have on finding business opportunity, more you will identify. Even when you are applying and interviewing for jobs, focus on value you will be able to generate and provide as an individual as professional. List down the qualities you have which will help in reducing time, efforts and investments. Focus on improving softkills like communication and negotiation with various stakeholders in your professional life.
  • Perseverance – Don’t take a NO – Try, and try and try until you are master of it. ‘Rome was not built in a day’, many small steps when taken in a particular direction one after another and with intent, focus and dedication, many miracles are possible. Giving up is easy, but a little efforts everyday to not give up will help achieve all dreams.
  • Ethics – Be ethical, disciplined and focused. Everyone wants to be associated with reliable, predictable and diligent person. Whatever the profession may be ‘Ethics’ makes every journey worth it. Not only it helps make decision making process easy, it also earns friends from every quarter and people return in kind. Person without ethics is easily identified and in long run no one wants to keep more than a transactional relation incase they can’t avoid the person all together.
  • Networking – Human is a social animal. We work in group, we like working with known people, we try to work with unknown people only they get reference and recommendation by someone known. In every field, every profession having a good network helps. You can begin with keeping in touch with like minded people, proactively helping others, providing genuine support to colleagues and associates takes a long way. Joining various groups in professions, hobbies and interest, participating in community work, participating group projects may help in better networking and better bonding with people. Many job and project opportunities are passed on in groups like these. You can also make groups based on common hobbies or interests.
  • Apply your knowledge – The subject you are specializing in your school/ college, try applying it in real life scenaios, case studies, blog, internships and through volunteer work. Working knowledge on any subjects add a lot of value to the existing theoretical knowledge. There are many freelance job opportunities available in technical, specialized as well as general subjects. Try them.

Five life changing books

Website for freelancing jobs



Skillzcafe (Online teaching)

Watch out this space, will come back here to share job opportunities, financial literacy, investments, spending and everything personal finance.

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5 Life Changing books for all

The cost of the 5 books combined is below $20, but, this investment promises infinite returns. Read them before you take the next online course. You can listen to the audiobooks with free trial on Audible app for first month.

Why this post? This post is for budding, aspiring entrepreneurs who are searching for what books to read, the employees who want to start something on their own, for a small startup entrepreneur who is looking for books for some guidance, who are looking to build a lean startup leaving the cushy jobs.

They say, all leaders have few things in common, one of them are – Most business leaders are voracious readers. Well, from personal experience I can say, I have learnt half of world history, connected dots between economy, society, religion and human psychology through hours and hours of book reading and listening. And I found out, the “Best books” tagged in shelves and Amazon listings are there for a reason.

These books are for people from any walks of

life at any stage of career or personal lives, ideal for students, entrepreneurs, mid-level executives, top-level executives, it can add value to each reader.  Request you not to source entrepreneurship book PDFs – get the original business books.

Find jobs during lockdown – 6 skills will help you

In past few months, we are living in a time of time of lockdown, mid-march 2020 onwards the world has literally shut for “Human activities”. The pandemic is unprecedented, with millions of people falling sick, hundreds and thousands of death, major sectors like aviation, hospitality, travel shut for months, and other sector crawling to survive, it does picture a gloomy present. However, we can also see the upsurge of social media activity, offices fitting into Zoom calls, school and colleges running with video classes, people taking a break from travel-busy schedule slipping into schedules of cooking, meditation, binge watching and online up-skilling. Oh yes, I have taken a few too. I liked the Coursera course on Finance for non-finance executives, many more which I felt was petty average. I also utilized my to browse through my collection of books and audible audio books. I must say, that Rs. 199/- monthly subscription is like multiple online courses squeezed into one.

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I love discussing personal finances, for enhancing value of money. The experience I have gained by book reading and listening everyday for more than one hour each day is unbelievable. Each book I am listing down has many important lessons, each book is like a short business course, so much information, insights and words of wisdom squeezed into each one, that I have read each book at-least twice. I can go on and on praising the books, but without anymore words let me share a glimpse of my favourite books and few points I can’t just take off my head.

Rich Dad poor Dad

Author – Robert Kiyosaki

Amazon Link

Listen to Rich Dad Poor Dad: What The Rich Teach Their Kids About ...

Listening time – 9 hours

Important Lines – Intelligent people hire people more intelligent than themselves. The Rich Don’t work for Money. Rich Invent Money.

Review – This book is a handbook for aspiring business owner. It attempts to sow a seed of entrepreneurship in every reader’s mind. The 9 hours audio book is a commitment of the writer to take the readers off the life off the rat race and put on a fast pace of riches, a true book, one packed life changing session on financial literacy. The book starts with anecdotal reference as goes the title, what a rich dad teaches his kid which poor dad doesn’t. The Nine chapters in the book takes on through a very realistic narrative. The best part of the book is the short summary, and set of question for reflection and action. Rich Dad Poor Dad is worth more than a 10 hour webinar, it is an life time asset.

Other notable books by the author – The Cash Flow Quadrant, Fake

Think and Grow Rich!:The Original Version, Restored and Revised ...

Think and Grow Rich (First Book dedicated to entrepreneurship spirit)

Author – Napoleon Hill . Listen at Audible

Review – Originally published in 1937, this book came in way early and have inspired big writers including Robert Kiyosaki and many other writers who have focused on power of thoughts. The author claimed to do a thorough research on the rich people of his time and came up with this brilliant book. This book emphasizes on power of thought, determination and planning in human. Through the chapters he has given reference to various individuals who changed their entire lives. The book written in simple English, in a series of guidance which can help on take required steps to achieve the goals of their lives. A must read, and should be repeatedly read and use the pointers to make into a personal diary to help improve upon own life. Think and Grow Rich needlessly one of the best-selling book of the century across continents.

Buy The Magic of Thinking Big Book Online at Low Prices in India ...

The Magic of Thinking Big

Amazon Link

The line I liked the most –“See what can be, not just What it is”

Review “I’ve got a good news”   The 9 hour and 30 minutes audio in simple English, this book is a fresh air in a mundane life. A book written for all, if you are 15 or 85, you will like equally. As the title goes, IT prompts us to thinking bigger, acting bigger and live bigger life. It does give clear demarcation of a successful, average and sulking people, all based on the attitude they carry. Each line inspires you take those small step which can make you more attractive, loveable, warm person be it any area of life, it can sprinkle magic each area. This book shouldn’t be read once, this should be read multiple times in regular intervals to lift you up to new space of success and pleasant life. You will easily be able to level up your life just by applying a few suggestion in your life. The Magic of Thinking Big is a must read if you are an entrepreneur, in media, marketing, public relations or any kind of regular people engagement roles. Even if your profession doesn’t require much interactions, it can definitely benefit in your personal life.

Author – David J Scwartz – (1927 – 1987) Notable American motivational writer. He was a professor of marketing, chairman of the department, and Chair of Consumer Finance at Georgia State University.

Habits Guide: How to Build Good Habits and Break Bad Ones

Atomic Habits

Buy at Amazon

Author – James Clear

The line I liked the most – “When the goal for running is to participate in marathon, one quit running as soon as the marathon is over, but if the goal is to become a runner, the habit stays on whether or not you run the marathon”.

Review – This is one of the most powerful and practical book on habit building. James Clear gives examples of real life examples of habit stacking in alignment with personal strength having life changing impact. As the title goes, he emphasizes on the tiny habit change one can make and slip it into the daily routine, it can have a compounding habit in a long run. This books shuns the idea of goal setting for achievements as Winners and losers often have same goals, and many a times when it is not a disciplined approach to winning, they fall back to old behavior. This book is amazing to help you change your lifestyle, put your life in a track you wish to live.

Never Split the Difference

The Best Negotiation Book You've Ever Read — Never Split the ...

Author – Chris Voss

Free with Amazon Audible –

One line I loved – “Ask Calibrated question – How I am supposed to do that

Review of Never Split the difference – Author, one of the celebrated Negotiator for FBI, shares his most potent weapon on ‘Negotiation.’ ‘The art of negotiation’ is a sought after program across many global universities offered by Business schools internationally. People spends thousands of dollar in money, months of time and heaps of paper work and practice to get the art right. An important element not only in business, but part of all life, this is a precious skill set. This skill set becomes more and more crucial as one moves up the ladder in corporate structure or leadership position. It focuses on “first empathizing the situation of the other person, then get them to empathize with your situation”. It can be applied for best possible deal on sales, salary, contract or anything you may be dealing with. This book dives deep into human psychology and behavioral sciences. This book simplifies many complex human reactions and put it in the book for simple use. The content of the book if read carefully and applied logically and periodically it can have much bigger impact than a 3 days seminar costing thousands of dollar.

Buy How to Win Friends and Influence People Book Online at Low ...

How to win friends and Influence people

Author – Dale Carnegie

Buy at Amazon Less than $3

Few important points – Don’t criticize people, nobody likes it. Be genuinely interested in People. People like them who are interested in them.

Review – One of the highest selling books worldwide, over 30 million copies sold in last 80 years, making it one of the best-selling books of all time, written on the year, first published in year 1936. A must read for communication professionals, How to win friends and Influence people is bible for sales, marketing, leaders or CXO level executives, students, relationships and anybody who wishes to improve communication skills and apply it to improve their professional and personal lives.

You’ll know how great the books are once you read them. Reading book online have become quite common these days, thanks to platforms like StoryTel and Audible you can even listen to the, These are the handbooks for successful entrepreneurs. are All the books mentioned above are written by American authors, hence there is a significant influence of American culture of freedom and democracy is dominant. This is actually refreshing and empowering, but as they say, freedom is empowering but not free, it takes attitude, practice, focus and perseverance.

Tips to make best out of these books –

  1. Read in regular frequency
  2. Read each book in a session of 30 minutes
  3. Keep a diary handy to make notes- these are not only business lessons, they are life lessons

‘Dream high, Think big and catch that shooting star’


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